
  • tuckfheman.com
    May 3, 2016 7:25:48 PM

    Extraordinary Satoshi Claims

    It has become an annual exercise for the press to jump on a Satoshi sighting that it has almost become an ordinary event. What is extraordinary is when a previously attempted and debunked contender emerges with, yet again, unconvincing "proof."

    Full Story : http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/05/02/extraordinary-satoshi-claims/

  • tuckfheman.com
    Jul 30, 2015 8:05:04 AM

    Total Collapse: Greece Reverts To Barter Economy For First Time Since Nazi Occupation

    Months ago, when Alexis Tsipras, Yanis Varoufakis, and their Syriza compatriots had just swept to power behind an ambitious anti-austerity platform and bold promises about a brighter future for the beleaguered Greek state, we warned that Greece was one or two vacuous threats away from being "digitally bombed back to barter status."

    Subsequently, the Greek economy began to deteriorate in the face of increasingly fraught negotiations between Athens and creditors, with Brussels blaming the economic slide on Syriza’s unwillingness to implement reforms, while analysts and commentators noted that relentless deposit flight and the weakened state of the Greek banking sector was contributing to a liquidity crisis and severe credit contraction.

    Full Article : http://goo.gl/ClUIEo

  • tuckfheman.com
    Jul 30, 2015 7:17:30 AM

    The War On Cash: Why Now?

    You’ve probably read that there is a “war on cash” being waged on various fronts around the world. What exactly does a “war on cash” mean?

    It means governments are limiting the use of cash and a variety of official-mouthpiece economists are calling for the outright abolition of cash. Authorities are both restricting the amount of cash that can be withdrawn from banks, and limiting what can be purchased with cash.

    These limits are broadly called “capital controls.”
    Why Now?

    Before we get to that, let’s distinguish between physical cash ...

    Full Article : https://mises.org/library/war-cash-why-now

  • tuckfheman.com
    Jul 29, 2015 1:39:35 PM

    3-Year-Old London Child Deemed “Extremist” and Placed in Government Reeducation Program

    Nursery school staff and registered childminders must report toddlers at risk of becoming terrorists, under counter-terrorism measures proposed by the Government.

    The directive is contained in a 39-page consultation document issued by the Home Office in a bid to bolster its Prevent anti-terrorism plan.

    The document accompanies the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, currently before parliament. It identifies nurseries and early years childcare providers, along with schools and universities, as having a duty “to prevent people being drawn into terrorism”.

    Full Article : http://goo.gl/Gd8vQB

  • tuckfheman.com
    Jul 29, 2015 1:29:36 PM

    Qora reloads with social network and new 2.0 features

    Innovative coins are few – so it’s great that Qora, which pretty much vanished from sight last year, is back with a vengeance.
    Full Article : https://goo.gl/g6DHtK