Qora, the first Zooko's triangle proof web ecosystem.
Human-meaningful: Meaningful and memorable (low-entropy) names are provided to the users.
Secure: The amount of damage a malicious entity can inflict on the system should be as low as possible.
Decentralized: Names correctly resolve to their respective entities without the use of a central authority or service.
For web portal under Qora Name Services (QNS) :
1. Register a QNS using Qora token, it can be 100% human-meaningful.
2. Browse through trusted publishers, If you trust okchai, use okchai's indexing services, More trustworthy means more secure.
3. More full nodes alive means more decentralized. Qora needs you to help create a better decentralized web portal ecosystem.
Qora blockchain genesis occurred on May 16, 2014, the earliest web portal ecosystem to fulfillZooko's triangle terms. Challenge me if I am wrong.
You can save pictures on the Qora blockchain !
The only large-sized picture file was saved on the Qora blockchain. After that, the developers set a limit, allowing only small-sized picture files to be saved.
For a high standard of anonymity, create your new Qora account and get some Qora via /airdrop to post contents.
Qora block #1000000 was forged on July 1, 2024
Genesis block #1 on May 16, 2014, Qora block #1000000 was forged on July 1, 2024, ten years!
Qora Renaissance 2023 need your support : /] or http://qora2.com
Study Qora at /Qunivercity
Freedom is not free.
( Use Qora v0.26.0 to post at Qora main blog }
言論自由權從今天開始 — 致全國人民代表大會及其常務委員會的公開信
人大校友 魯難,吳小軍,秦渭,田仲勳
北京大學教授 張千帆
清華大學教授 許章潤
獨立學者 笑蜀, 郭飛雄
地質大學校友 王西川
轉載自 :
立場新聞 https://www.thestandnews.com/
To post to this Qora blog, use version 0.26.0. New version 0.26.11 is good but can't post to this blog.
Host a working Qora Full node and get TIMAH token.
I need more Qora full node with open TCP 9090 web access for my friends. Since 2018, I had used Qora blockchain to manage my friends crypto tokens account, I have a Qora full node hosting service, but it is better to have more. So, here I make an offer, put a last-long working Qora full node web service domain name or IP at this Qora blog, I will reward 500TIMAH token. I have already put a buy order of 100,000 TIMAH token at the Qora blockchain decentralized exchange. Make your blockchain useable.
Tomorrow is September 31,2019. 聽日是九月卅一日
My October start from 2nd day.
Kicking a yellow object ... ...
Hong Kong 香港人
Be water evolution Hong Kong 香港似水抗爭演變
沒有暴徒 祇有暴政
Life after the state.
PASL (QORA asset ) for Sale
A real test for QORA decentralized blockchain.
1 PASL (QORA asset) = PascalLite ( pascallite.com )
Each PASL asset unit is backed by a PascalLite coin held in the reserves of
the pascalLite account 182018-77 and can be redeemed through
the Messages in Qora wallet.
To redeemed PASL QORA asset, use Messages service in QORA wallet,
just send your PascalLite wallet account number and amount
to QORA address QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi.
PASL asset withdrawal fee : 0.5PASL
Withdrawal confirmation : minimum 500 block time
Exchange service is available in supported version of QORA Wallet software.
PASL market price ( CoinmarketCap website) : USD$0.022266 date 4 Aug 2018, all 9999PASL Qora asset
are worth about USD$222,only exchange your QORA with me if you trust me.
Here is the offer link ( need a local full node QORA blockchain to view ):
History of QORA ICO
Bitcoin Address for ICO : 1LDKa5i4qxzvQNoQpwU5es3aq9c95ooSFg
First transaction date for the address : 2014-03-20
Total amount of transactions received : 125.53724036 BTC
Bitcoin Forum for the QORA ICO : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=522102.0
Happy Chinese New Year
Kiong-hee Huat Chai,Congratulations and be prosperous!
Hi All!!!
"Trump is already delivering the jobs he promised America"
"@DanScavino: Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan due to Trump policies"
........may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS
Why Qora?
This is not the run of the mill crypto currency you'll typically come across! You have stumbled across something special and it's because of people like you that this coin will become great. Freedom to anonymously state your opinions, via the strength of the blockchain. Take some time to get to know Qora and you'll find a whole world of new and exciting opportunities, where you discover the limitless potential this community possesses.
Testing out the Qora network
Lots of effort has gone into Qora. Many threads on bitcointalk make it confusing to follow. Different repositories on github too.
As of Aug/Sept 2016, current links are as follows:
Some funds are on Poloniex and the wallet there has been disabled for weeks if not months.
Seeing duplicate peers in peer list and only connecting to 2 peers.
Possible network issue or database corrupted.
Downloaded fresh database from https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/IDzrYBiqXnhNCvg
Qora blockchain is about 800mb currently.
Incredible features
Incredible undervalue.
Incredible oportunity.
All in one single deflationary coin.
Decentralizing everything, web, exchange and private messages.
Decentralized and energy efficient forging.
Veri good job. Congratulations.
Hi everybody!
Just testing incredible features of qora:)
Does Staking Work!?
I have 15000 QORA and it will take 2 years for a single block? Whats qora reward?
We need commenting on things!
Also, how do I know if I missed the hard fork!? Reply with a new post if you can help please
This is a test for the blog function
Like it! Donate please
Play an interactive Qora text adventure at
数字货币第一城: http://www.001.city
尽管目前有许多的同行们正在寻求构建封闭或者私有的账本,Visa欧洲联合实验室(Visa Europe Collab)创新合伙人Jon Downing已经明确表示,目前他们的测试的项目使用的是运行中的比特币区块链。
在采访中,Downing和一家区块链服务企业,也是该项目合作伙伴,Epiphyte的首席执行官Edan Yago,主动讨论了项目的更多细节。他通过使用“概念证明”(proof-of-concept)的方式完成支付。他们解释说,在 Epiphyte建立的测试环境中,资金通过区块链进行跨境发送,并且通过Visa设备进行接收。 #比特币 #汇款 #Visa #BTC
#BTCC 于2015年11月20日发布“优先区块”服务。“优先区块”是一项提升比特币区块链确认BTCC用户交易优先级的新区块链技术。
“优先区块”免费为所有BTCC用户提供,只要是向BTCC的钱包或者矿池的地址发起、或是这些地址发出的比特币交易都可以自动获得“优先区块”服务,并被迅速确认。 BTCC矿池是目前世界上最大的比特币矿池之一,拥有全网约13%的算力。
【Coinbase发行了首张可在美国使用的比特币借记卡】该卡已经被批准居住在美国25个州的任何人使用,其中包括德克萨斯、华盛顿以及新泽西州。它可以让你在任何商户使用比特币——在线或者离线——就像使用任何普通VISA卡一样。也可以使用这张卡直接从ATM取出你的钱。 #BTC #比特币 #coinbase
“��������”���Ϊ����BTCC�û��ṩ��ֻҪ����BTCC��Ǯ�����߿�صĵ�ַ���𡢻�����Щ��ַ�����ı��رҽ��������Զ����“��������”������Ѹ��ȷ�ϡ� BTCC�����Ŀǰ���������ı��رҿ��֮һ��ӵ��ȫ��Լ13%��������
�������磬Coinbase�ٴ�Ŭ���ƶ����ر������������ù�˾�Ƴ�ȫ�����ű��رҽ�ǿ���Ҳ����Shift Card���������������κ��̻�ʹ�ñ��ر�——����������——����ʹ���κ���ͨVISA��һ����
Проверка вторая
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japan character test
??? ????????????319$?????? ??????????????????????????360$?????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????
��·�磺��Ѻע���رҡ� ��·�籨������˾�ڲ�³���ִ�ҵ��˾ConsenSys������ר���о���������������ʵ�ֽ����رҼ����������ƹ�����ڻ����� ���رҵĺ��ľ���������������������ʵ������������һ�����Ͻ��ļ����㷨�ݱ������������������ѧ֤�����İ�ȫ���⡣
First Qora Forging Asset
xn--New Asset with Monthly Payout of the Forging Income / Highly Secure
Asset Name Qora Forging Asset / Highly Secure
Total number available 100.000.000
Price 1 qora
Asset Number (ID) 100
Owner - QNuGxA287pdkJaRp4gpdRE5u5XXGpff2nB
100% Payout monthly of the income by forging. This asset pays out 100% of the income generated by forging to the investors.
Guaranteed monthly payout! Every first day of the month i will payout all assets. Regardless how long you are owner oft them. Also if you bought the assets one day before the first.
Why and Save Investment! The payouts are made by forging of blocks. As more qora someone has, as more blocks could be generated. Also the chance of generating a block with high fees is higher than if you solo forge.
Instant Cashout without loss. If I stop paying out the asset, then i will buyback all sold assets. For this i will place a buy back order.
Bobafett is my username in Bitcointalk.org. Im mining and investing in Burst since the beginning. I invested over 10000 Euros since now in Burst (bought with btc) and mining hardware. Until now i never sold any of my coins because i really belive this coin has a bright future. Now i joined the qora community, as qora could do ACCT with Burst.
Pool.burstcoin.de is the Pool of Burstcoin.de. Hardware Dual Quad Core Xeon with 3.0 Ghz, 24GB Ram, Internet 1GBit with DDos Protectoin, Fail Safe Replicated Host with Fallback, Geo location Germnany Quality Made in Germany, Pool Software Urays V2 pool modified and error fixed Version from Blago (thanks to blago for the support)
To Invest:
1. open your wallet
2. go to tab assets
3. click on all assets
4. go to asset ID 100, doubleclick
5. click on "open qora pair"
6. on the left upper side you find "sell qora"
7. put in the left upper field price "1"
8. put in in the amount field, the amount you want to buy, for example if you want to buy 100k, put in 100000
9. click on the sell button (the left one)
10. finish.
Development Updates
Some development updates:
The last days we've added the following, which will be also part of the next version:
Namestorage enhancements:
-Dedicated website to see the namestorage history.
This page allows you to see all the changes done by a given name ordered by date.
Social Network enhancements:
-Hashtag support
You will be able to place hashtags like e.g. #qora in your posts and will have the ability to get all posts with a given hashtag.
-Deletion of posts
You will be able to delete your own posts or posts that have been placed in blogs that you own.
Keep in mind that this is a community project, although we have many ideas to enhance things even more we also would like to have suggestions and feedback by everyone out there:
What is missing e.g. regarding social network?
What do you guys want to see in the next version.
Any feedback would help a lot!
Poll reminder!
poll that was born during the hangout with Beyond Bitcoin
http://qora.co.in/?q=integrate+qora+to+bitshares&poll "Integrate Qora (in any form) to BitShares?"
Learn more about BitShares
BitShares 2.0 SmartCoin Tech Overview [YouTube] http://blog.smartcoin.pw/2015/07/bitshares-20-smartcoin-tech-overview.html
Need Escrow?
Info: http://goo.gl/RH4Ocg
of course I'm taking Qora too :)
Development Updates
the following is already done in will be in the next version:
-possibility to get a unique link for a blogpost, this way you can give someone the link and it will show your post
-added preview for websites
the name says it all, this allows you to check if your qora website is good looking before posting it to blockchain
-added possibility to have more than one website per name! With the new version you can store your website under any key.
Suppose you already have the website qoranightsky which can be found with running wallet here (or for people without wallet here http://qora.co.in:9090/qoranightsky)
(This website is stored in namestorage of the name qoranightsky under key "website", for the guys who like technical details)
Now you can make e.g. a page under the key "about" and add that to the blockchain, then that page can be found here (or http://qora.co.in:9090/qoranightsky/about).
The main website will stay qoranightsky of course, but now you can also link from your page to the new about page e.g.
-added possibility to have more interactive websites
In the next version you will have easy access to blockchain information and will also have access to information regarding the visitor and can therefore make interactive personalized websites:
Some examples how this works! If you add this to your page it will display the qoranightsky website! {{namestoragemap.getOpt("qoranightsky","website")}}
Of course you can use any name and any key here.
(Technical Details: You read from the namestorage of qoranightsky the key website)
You can also have personalized message for visitors: Hi, {{activeProfile.getName().getName()}}
There are plenty of other things you can access like the names of the current wallet, AT information....
To show you how powerful this is I also created a Send Money webpanel (fully decentralized in qora web), that fully works and can be added to every name! Once v23 is out I will publish it here.
For people who want to create interactive websites here is the framework that is used and will help you understand how you can enhance everything http://www.mitchellbosecke.com/pebble/home)
-added gui possibility to make large updates to websites (to be more precise to any key)
The current gui only allowed to make small websites (3000 chars), the core already has more abilities and that is why we will activate an easy way to create bigger websites. If a website does not fit in one arbitrary transaction it will automatically create more than one! This is transparent for the user, so you create a large website and will just see the api call and the amount of qora you need to pay and it will create all txs for you.
-added possibility to edit any key in websitebuilder
At the moment you only edit the key website when you deploy a website. The websitebuilder will now allow to change any key from namestorage. This is currently under work, maybe there will be another
Speculate on the price of ethereum ether on Qora
Free market speculation on the price of ethereum ether.
Speculate on the price of ether - a simple tool to measure/appreciate
other cryptocurrencys.
Qora reloads with social network and new 2.0 features
Innovative coins are few – so it’s great that Qora, which pretty much vanished from sight last year, is back with a vengeance.
Full Article : https://goo.gl/g6DHtK
fav's Escrow / Trust Agent
Need a trusted escrow?
? http://goo.gl/RH4Ocg
Amazing services of Qora now leading the crypto (r)evolution
Would you believe it? I am blogging now directly from my wallet! Like it, share it, follow me!
Hello World
Hello Qora world
New Poll!
new poll that was born during the hangout with Beyond Bitcoin
http://qora.co.in/?q=integrate+qora+to+bitshares&poll "Integrate Qora (in any form) to BitShares?"
Learn more about BitShares_
BitShares 2.0 SmartCoin Tech Overview [YouTube] http://blog.smartcoin.pw/2015/07/bitshares-20-smartcoin-tech-overview.html
Get 0.25 g (~$10) BitGold for free!
This is a pretty awesome service that can be used to buy Gold online at the lowest prices, store it safely in multiple locations throughout the world and easily sell and spend it, all from the comfort of your home!
It offers multiple deposit options for buying Gold (Bitcoin, Bank Wire, Credit/Debit Cards, UnionPay, Interac), charges no storage fees and the best part is that your Gold with them is 100% insured by Brinks of London.
Check it out today and use it to diversify some of your savings into the world's oldest asset class and the century's best performing currency!
On top you'll get up to 0.25 g Gold (depends on your Country) for free thanks to their Invite-a-Friend Bonus program!
SIGN-UP: https://goo.gl/7AsvQw
Qora & CIYAM Dev Hangout July 25th at 2PM UTC
Scheduled contributors include : Vrontis, Ian Knowles, vbcs and cass.
Show Page : https://goo.gl/U90x5Y
Qora to Greece!
puff paff piff
this is a test
this is a test
Earn Bitcoin on Qora
Earn Bitcoin - the first Coinwall on Qora
Promot and Earn
Learn how to promote your websites and earn money :)
Send me a message if you need help!
- trafficmonsoon
first steps
!!! :-)
#qora #dweb
Fuck Qora!
ha ha ha! :D
Qora is so cool!
You can broadcast everything important.
Qora - real second generation crypto, pure PoS
Qora needs you, true believers!
It will prevail!
Bter withdraw is now working
Bter withdraw is now working :)
Experience Qora
Join the evolution!
Let's rock!
Happy BDay
Happy birthday Qora!!! Hope this year is a good one !
Happy birthday
Happy birthday QORA
I hope I get my birthday present out off BTER soon.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear QORA
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to the best crypto!
In Qora we trust! I love you and you know it!
Happy Birthday Qora!
You're on the right path! :)
- favdesu
Happy Birthday Qora
Wish you the best!
Happy 1st Birthday Qora!
Happy Birthday Qora!
long live the blockchain!
Warm welcome to our new friends!
Have fun with Qora and decentralize the world together!
Love from the BitShares community!
Just testing this feature... :)
BTW: I run a free #BitShares Giveaway: http://po.st/btsfree
if you guys want to check it out!
- favdesu
Wallet v0.20.0 has been released!
Automated Transactions
Web Server
Messaging Service
Forging Indicator
Command History in GUI console
Accounts sorted by balance
Minor optimizations and bug fixes
Soon 0.20 version!
Soon 0.20 version. A lot of innovations. The course in recent days has risen from 6 to 8 Satoshi. And this is only the beginning.
Qora has revealed his identity!
Huge step forward
Automated Transactions are going to change the game!
this is a message for you :-)
Book of the day
Erich Fromm - To Have or To Be?
sezeni v Hermanu
test zpravy...delejte si s tim, co chcete
Go Qora!
We believe!
Anon post
Testing anonymous posting
Hello Qora
Hello blockchain
Anonymous post
Now you can add anonymous post in blog: http://qora.co.in/?newpost
test of 200 chars
== ===== ==== ====== ====
= ==== === == === ==== ==== ===
= ==== == ==== == ==== === == ==
= ==== == ==== == === == ==== =
= ==== == ==== == ==== ==== =
= ==== == ==== == ==== == =
= = = == ==== == ==== == ==== =
= == === == === ==== == ==== =
== ===== ==== ==== == ==== =
Average block time: 5 min 19 sec
Non-empty accounts: 2708
All accounts: 6563
Nodes: 30-40
Polls: 41
Most votes in a poll: 2,021,899,302.28883557 qora
Most transactions in one block: 628
Total fee: 218,748.25156446 qora
Now you can add a title!
xn--So there is Unicode support.
Hello everyone!
Bonjour tous!
Now you can add a title!
xn--So there is Unicode support.
Bonjour tous!-v4d1002bxlboec4n0ing7bxczd
Namecoin's website
A web portal under Namecoin domain Name is Zooko's triangle proof, it is an independent website, not a web portal ecosystem. Qora blockchain is an ecosystem.
Jul 8, 2024 2:02:44 PM