Token balance for /aitway_v2 iframe end here.
iframe is refer to HTML iframe tag, for import content to a webpage.
This /portklang is a Qora web3page
/portklang is a Qora Name Service(QNS) registered by Qora address QipXSDV3ywoLsSnXhTAM7TJypDWgRFkB9E .
The web3page belongs to the Qora address owner.
Register as a member of to get a FREE Aitway's QNS and 1000Timah.
All Aitway's QNS' are fully managed by AITWAY SYSTEM LLP, each with a web3page template (similar to this page).
TIM(Ardor-Ignis Blockchain), Timah(Qora Blockchain) and the Reward Points at, they are transferable between any 2 of the platforms.