As you are already aware,
YAWTI = TIMAH =TIM = Mosaic 1E4967BAADB8E757 = AITWAY's he Reward Points

You can earn the Reward Points by purchasing items at AITWAY's online store, located at , and redeem these points at the same online store.

Example redeem offer : 1 million Points for a second-hand 500GB Hard Disk. If you don't have enough Reward Points, you can top up using any tokens from the list. Just acquire enough points; as a regular user, you don't need to keep extra points.

You can ask AITWAY's store to swap the Reward Points for Timah on the Qora blockchain at a 1:1 ratio. Afterward, you can use Qora wallet DEX to exchange them for Qora tokens and use them for decentralized web3 activities in Qora blockchain.

If you've collected a significant number of Reward Points or tokens from the list and wish to cash out, you can swap these tokens for NXT, Ardor-Ignis, and Beam blockchain tokens. Then, utilize their built-in decentralized exchanges to exchange them for NXT, Ignis, or Beam. Finally, sell NXT, Ignis, and Beam on the listed centralized exchanges to convert them into cash.

Our tokens are designed for real-life usage. There's no need to hold onto them if you have no immediate use. Utilize the tokens to enhance your life; the best way to use our tokens is always for Qora. Our tokens can assist you in obtaining meaningful Qora blockchain services.