A company website normally only uses TCP port 80. Donating TCP port 9090 for Qora means hosting a Qora full node and providing a gateway service. Example : https://aitway.com is a company website, http://aitway.com:9090 is a Qora gateway service.


You can create your own IPFS decentralized storage space using TCP 8080, example : http://ipsg.ddns.net:8080/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dg6sufudavfh42ovwicrdryrum1s23td34qf112un2uy6pjpsvi/

Both Qora and IPFS are decentralized storage solutions. Qora is more suited for pure text HTML/JS files, while IPFS supports all kinds of files.

Why decentralized? Yes, there is no single point of failure, no company or external force can let your files down, the condition is more nodes for Qora and more pins for IPFS.